Friday, 28 June 2013

Theja (1114377)

Historical views of abnormal behavior 

From all most half a million years ago stone age cave dweller practiced the earliest treatment of mental disorder.To treat certain form of mental disorder the early medicine man treated the disorder by means of operation now known as "trephining".This operation was performed with crude stone instruments and consisted of chipping away one area of the skull in form of a circle until the skull was cut. this opening, is called a "trephine" this was done because of some superstition thinking of primitive people. They thought that by opening some part of the brain permit the evil spirit to go away as it was creating some trouble.In some cases, trephined skulls of primitive people show some healing around the opening indicating the patient survived the operation and lived for years after the operation.
    Since human life appeared on earth some 3 million or more years ago, there is no such records written about the mental disorder and there is no knowledge about the ancestor times or they are limited.In sixteen century B.C there two egyptian papyri who have provided some information about the early treatments of diseases and behavior disorders.Edwin Smith Papyrus contains some details descriptions of treatment of wounds and other surgical operations.In this bit of information the brain is described and for the 1st time in history and the writing clearly shows that the brain was recognized as a form of mental functioning. Ebers papyrus has offer another perspective on treatment. It mostly covers internal medicine and circulatory system but it mainly deals with the magic and curing diseases that had unknown causes.Even though surgical techniques may have been used , they were probably with prayers and like wise that has reflected the prevailing view of the origin of behavior disorders.

 Hippocrates early medical concept 

this was durning the golden age in greek showed a huge understanding and treatment for mental disorder as the greeks considered that human body to be sacred. greek physician hippocrates also known as the father of medicine has recived his training and has contubuted to the field. he was against the fact that this disorder was caused by any spiritual acts as any others belived. he also aurged that this disorder was a disease like any other diseases had natural causes and treatment. Hippocrates divided the disorder into three types they are mania, melancholia and phrenitis (brain fever) these disorder can be also caused by hereditry and brain injury 

early philosophical conceptions of consciousness and mental discovery

here plato a greek philosopher studied the disorder affected people who were criminals and also studied how to deal with them. he viewed the psychological responses in internal state and natural appetites. the treatment was based on the hospital care for individuals who believed in broader thinking in social order. there was confusion of whether the disorder was caused by frustration or conflict. Aristotle says that rejection and depression causes mental illness.

abnormality during the middle age

in middle east during middle age the scientific aspect of medicine was survived in islamic countries. the first mental hospital was started in 729 a.d in baghdad. mental disorder was recognized more in this period of the year. during early medieval period the social structure and belief in europe began to change. the supernatural compression to the mental disorder make in to popularity. to understand the concept better the disorder was divided into two they are mass madness and exorcism.

mass madness

in the middle of middle age the trend to understand the mental disorder emerged. according to them the mass madness is widespread of group behavior. which means the abnormality was affected to other people at the same time. in Italy was a disorder named tarantism which the disorder of dancing. this disorder shows the uncontrollable impulse of dancing. mass madness occurred in seventeenth century and was continued till fourteenth and fifteenth century. during this period there were many illness taken place they are social oppression, famine, and epidemic diseases.  many of mass madness were caused due to depression, fear etc.

 exorcism and witchcraft

in medieval period the mental disorder people were treated in kindness. there are two types of demonically possessed people. people who are physically effected in their behavior is known as mad and other people who have weird spiritual behavior is known as witches. as time passed by these categories of people were blurred by the historians resulting in perception that witchcraft and mental illness were connected in medieval period than in the present time.

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