Friday, 28 June 2013

pramodh kumar. G 1114381

19 century and 20 century
The views for the causes and treatment of mental disorder.
In the 19 century mental hospitals were controlled by layman(normal person). Because of the importance of morally treating a mental patients. During 19 century psychiatrists were called as "alienists", in reference the their treating a "alienists"or insane which had a relatively negative role in care of insane and the management of the asylums (psychiatric hospital) in the 19 century. Moreover effective treatment for mental disorders were unavailable. The only measures followed during 19 century were procedures such as drugging, bleeding   and purging which produced harmful result. But however in the latter part of the 19 century. Alienists (psychiatric) gained control over insane asylums(psychiatric hospital) and they incorporated the traditional moral management therapy into their other rudimentary physical medical procedures.                                              
The psychiatrists started to influence the society in the 19 century. Psychiatrists were able to acquire better status. They started to provide information about the good mental health. The disorders were not explained in a better way to the people. So they had a idea that depression  was caused by nervous exhaustion. The psychiatrists of the 19 century had basic idea that emotional problems were caused by the wasting of their energy or diminishing of the bodily energy. Shattered nerves caused because of using up of previous nerves force, later it came to knows as" neurasthenia" which means lack of energy or spreading it with a group. So it is related to the physical symptoms to the lifestyle of the civilization. Psychiatrists looked it as a definable manner, they considered it can be treated by the medical person in the 19 century.
changes towards the mental health in early 20 century.
It is not possible to separate the modern views or the thought of the abnormal behavior into individual way of viewing it. So it as to be traced from early views like the historical without based on the random choice over simplistic. The over all views will bring our discussion to the contemporary era. At the end of the 19 century the mental hospital were called asylum which were situated in the hills, so it became a familiar landmark in the  America. Mental patients lived and treated in a harsh conditions, public viewed it as a strange place the psychiatrists tried their level best to educate the people to reduce the fear of the asylum. The psychiatrists were able to get the information to communicate with people.
psychiatrists made effort to change the general public's attitude towards the mental patients. The pioneering work of Dix was followed a book called "A mind that found itself". It was published in 1908. Beers started to described his mental collapse and he also told about the bad received treatment in those three typical days of the institutions. They treated in the chains and other tortures devices has given up long. So they used the straitjacket to keep them "quieting" for those who are excited patients. The Beers experience was treat had  a vivid experience of the painful like they were immobilized arms.The Beers got health from the kind of treatment. So he started the campaign to the people that treatment had no way to handle the sick, support from the people, individual, with the efficient psychologist Meyer, in the 20 century the mental hospital started to grow for the mental ill, the mental fate if the patients was not uniform or they were positive.  In the early of 20 century people like Beers,en-lighted the mental hospital so they started to grow in a huge number. They were people who had disordered like schizophrenia, depression, organic mental and other disordered were there.
In 1940 mental hospital house were filled with 400,000 patient in it around 90% people were mentally ill residing in the large amount also in the private hospital. During this period many people with mental disorder were kept for many years by the half of 20 century treatment were more effective in the manner for the mental patients often it was harsh and inhuman, 1946 it was a period of change so the Mary J Ward wrote a book called " The Snake Pit" it was famous  movie name, they were taken care more and had a concern over them. In 1946 the National Institution of Mental health was organized provide very active help for the psychiatric for their research and for clinical psychology trained program. The Mill Burton was a act with helped in funding of the mental health hospital, it was passed in the year 1963 it helped to reach the development programs like inpatients facilities in the hospital it had a impact on the rehabilitation programs for the mental health people.
Changes started to happen in the psychiatric hospitals it was concern to professional and also for normal person. So early 1950 and 1960 their was deal of attention given to the profession to improve the mental health hospital  in order of the writing another book, Asylums it was written by the sociologist Goff man in 1961. This book gave the idea  to treat the mental patients and it made a full expose bad treatment  in the mental hospital. They had a plan to change the environmental in more by scientific way were it can be advance in last of the 20 century it focused on the development of the medicine to many disorder.
 In the last decade of the 20 century our sociologist had a basic idea to treat the human in the society, so made effort to close the mental hospital and had psychiatric-ally they were disturbed. They had more efficient  way of treating the people were it was not found in the other society which was not yet in the bright side. In the larger way the hospital started to close it was reduced in the mental populations, it was over half million in  1950 and it came down to 100,000 by 1990 it was impressive reduction. The U.S people called it as deinstitutionalization it created many community problems and had mind disturbed among people.
The reduction of the in the mental hospital made huge trouble for the patients were for examples Australia had a 90% come down in the field of mental hospital, so in Italy all the hospital remained closed the patients were given places in the nursing placing. The impact for this type of policy was that they had a concern on  human. The mental patients were treated outside the mental hospital so that normal can prevent the bad impression of the hospitals.Professional had a concern of mental hospital that it became a room  for mental people who were not getting their daily way of living in their life. They had some to take care of them, they had a great thought that new medicine will make patients to live outside the society with the normal people. Many people had  not feared to live in the society, many people who are living in the public area are mental ill people. The reduction of mental hospital cause due in the gap of failures in  society to full fill the mental service to the people who are mental ill.
Views of Contemporary.
They started to maintenance cleanness movement in the mental hospitals, which had a great impact on the U.S in the 19 century.They had technology innovations occurred in both the side, it helped us to use the scientific methods for the experimentally purpose. They started to use the scientific methods to apply on the mental ill persons in the hospitals. There are four majors types of abnormal which spin the 19 and 20 century, they had a great influence on Contemporary.
1. They started to give the treatment in biological ways.
2. Classifications started for the mental disorders.
3. Psychological emergence of the causation of the disorder.
4. They developed the experiments methods.
Biological discoveries.
 The study of the advantage physical and disorder related to the mental, their was major medical enter to the states, there were serious mental disorder like the paresis. It caused death between the 25 years scientific theory idol because famous at a time,it was wasting for the other scientist to come and joins in the 20 century.
General Paresis and Syphilis.  
   The treatment for the paresis started in 1825, were the A.L.S Bayle French doctor started to have the difference between the Paresis he had a strong evidence that Paresis is a disorder, after him in 1897 another person called Viennese Richard Von Krafft- Ebbling have done the experiment with the syphilitic score the other patient does not have the secondary symptoms of Syphilis, they concealed must have infected persviously, there is a relationship between the general Paresis and Syphilis. During the 1906 August Von Wassermann had a blood test of Syphilis, it made to check the bacteria check in the blood stream of the individual, before the consequences that as the effect them.
1917 Jauregg who was the chief in the psychiatric department of the university of Vienna to start with the malarial treatment of the Syphilis and Paresis. He came to know at highest fever kills the bacteria. He infected the blood of a malaria infected were four marked improvement of Paretic symptoms and other three had a recovery. In 1925 the other hospitals started to have the treatment for the Malarial treatment for the Paresis, study was conducted by Bahr and Brutsch in India 1928. so in 100 only 37 got recovery from the hyper power medicine It had the scientific believes for the specific causes. It started to raise the medical community of the organic bases for all of them.
Brain Pathology As A Causal Factor.
The existing of the modern ways of the experiment science in early of 18 century. They had a knowledge of anatomy, neurology and started to increases  the medicine. Scientist focus came to the body organs, like causes for the aliments, they started to assume that mental disorder is based on Pathology of organs lose of brain. 1757 the Albrecht Von Haller is book ' Elements of physiology', it was given more importance to the brains and its functions of the insane first was done by German Wilhelm Gricsinger he wrote a book called 'Pathology and Therapy of psychic Disorder' in 1845, all mental disorder could be treated and explained through Pathology from is point of views. The Pathology result in the discovery of the general paresis Alois Alzheimer investigators started to have the brain Pathology in the arteriosclerosis of the cerebal and it is Mental disorder. 20 century organic underline the mental disorder for the toxic types of mental disorders and mental retardation found.
 The discovery of the mental disorder gave way for the causation. It is true even today, they know the causes for the disorder but they are not sure about the afflicted on the individual. They can predict the disorder very accurately, this is not because of understanding the organic factors to the followers of the Griesinger Emil Krapelin.
The development of a classifications system.
     Emil krapelin had a major role in the development of early biological view point, he wrote a book called
'Lehrbuch der Psychiatric'. In 1883 he did not gave only attentions for the brain Pathology, he also gave importance to the views point, importance was given to the classifications of the mental disorder.Which is the sumner of today's DSM-4 TR, so the Krapelin had a idea of occurring of the specific mental disorder, then gave the importance towards the classification and mental disorder. They were four method which incurred the clinical material of classification, he had a great represented contributions to the field of psychopathology.   Kraeplin had seen the types of mental disorder in a distinct of the other course of each was predetermined had a course of measles. The outcome of a given types off disorder could be predicted even it  was not contender. It increases the interest in the accurate classification and description of mental disorder.
Causation Views: Establishing the psychological basis of mental disorder.
 They had the biological research, understanding of factors, which comes under the mental disorder. So the first step was taken by the Sigmund Freud most frequently theorist of psychological of 20 century. They had five decades for the observations, writing , treatment. He developed a theory called comprehension theory of psychopathology which had the  inner changes of unconscious thoughts. It is the heart of the psychoanalytic perspective. The methods he used is called psychoanalysis. It as the Ancestral roots unexpected place, it is  the relation called hysteria, hypnosis were the person is relax and open to the highly suggestion, it came to light in 18 century and early 19 century.
  To understand the psychological mental disorder starts from the Fronz Anton Mesmerism doctor lived in the Austrian. He had the idea of Paracelsus, it is about the plants and human body influence. He had a believes that plants have the capacity to magnetic fluid to the body it determine that we are health or not. He had attempted to find the cure for mental disorder, he told all have the possessed attraction force that have the influence in the magnetic fluid in other people, thus effecting.
He started to puts is views in the cities Vienna it was in Paris in 1778 he had a broad following. He had a clinic in Paris, were he started to treat all kinds of disorder by using the 'animals magnetism'. He made people to sit in a dark room were they had chemicals and iron rod productions, so it effected the areas of the bodies. It had music along the treatment Mesmer appeared in Lilae, were he had passed on from potients  to another, he had removed the idea of hysterical anesthesia and paralysis. He had the trails which are connected with the use of hypnosis.
They had scholars including Benjamin Franklin. Mesmer had to live the Paris quickly, because is methods were under the scientific controversy in many years Mesmerism technique made a heated atmosphere in the 19 century as the psychoanalysis as in the early 20 century. They had interest in the hypnosis as live which took place.
Nancy school 
Ambrose August Libeaut physician started the Patrice in French town of Nancy. He used the hypnosis successfully, he was a medicine proffer, another person Hisppolyte Bernhesm was interest in the hysteria and also the hypnosis, his idea was based on the success of Libeault, but he was unsuccessfull in the hypnosis. Benheiim and Libeaut were the people who worked on the hypnosis and hypnotism also hysteria they had suggestions for it, they had the two line proof.
1. They observed the hysteria as a paralysis of an arm could not produce normal think as a person.
2. The symptoms could removed by the means of hypnosis, hysteria was of self-hypnosis, who accepted it came under the school of Nancy.
So Jean Charoct was head of the Solpetrice hospitals and leading neurologist of the time in the Paris, he had experimental the ideas of the mesmerists for the result of its research, he had discomfort with the finding of the Nancy school, so he told about the degenerative brain cause the hysteria. It was disproved, he worked on the scientist outstanding had a deal of medical and scientist interest of hysteria.
The disputes of the Nancy school and the Charcot major discussion in the medical history and had harsh words to each other.The recognition caused the mental spurred disorder on the behavior of the hysteria which was underlying on the told psychological factors had involved in the anxiety and other disorder so the Charcot had a new idea of contributions much to promote the factors of psychological in various mental disorder.
They had a debts on the mental disorder is caused by biological or psychological. The Nancy school and Charcot had a step for the psychology in the end of 19 century it was cleared that it could have the both factors in it.
The Beginnings of Psychoanalysis.
   Sigmund Freud started it, he was young and brilliant, born in the Viennese neurologist he was appointment as the lecturer in the university of the Vienna 1885 he was under the study of Charcot later he came under the work of Liebeault and Bernheims. He had a great influence by their hypnosis, so convinced that mental processes was remained hidden from the present mind.
He came from the Vienna, started to work  under the collaboration of another doctors, who was Josef Brever who told about the hypnosis with the patients, before it they have to get the  instructions about it, so that they can feel significant emotional release. Which they called Cathorsis, it proved a great influences so the hypnosis became a therapy to reduce their tensions. So the relationship between hysteria symptoms.
It lead to the apporch of unconscious were the person is unaware in the certain parts of the brain. so in 1893 combination of Freud and Brever came with joint 'Psychical mechanisms of Hysterical phenomena' paper which had a great study of the unconscious and the  conscious. So the patient were told to say what ever they get in their mind without any logical overcomes with inner obstacles were they were free.
It made him to enable the conscious and unconscious of the patient mind. They used free associations were patients talk freely about themselves, they provide information on their felling motives second is dream analysis so in this they have to describe their dream. This techniques help the patients to gain the insight and have better understanding of emotional problems rest was based on the psychoanalytic principles views were introductions in 1909 invited by the Clark university by a psychologist G. Standely Hall president of the university, they helped to popularize psychoanalytic concept with general public and scientist. They were Clinical theorist such as Alfred Adler launched the 'spin-off' theory which talks about the psychoanalytic point of views.
The Evolution of The Psychological Research Traditions Experimental psychology.
        Thinking of contemporary psychology came in early rigorous study of psychological processes it was demonstrated by Wihelam Wundt and the William James early studies not as much as effective on our studies of abnormal behavior. This attitudes were introduced in the recent years by psychologist who brought attitudes to clinic.
The Early Psychology Laboratories. 
              It was established by the Wihelam wundt in 1829 experimental laboratory at the university of Leipzig, which involves the studies of memory and sensations. Wunts and is friends had brought many experiment into light, he influenced early people to the empirical study of abnormal behavior. He used the method and also applied on the research, strategies to study the problems examples like student of Wundt  called Mc kely Cattell who brought is experiment to U.S.A and used to asses in the difference processing . He and is student helped in establishing the laboratories within the United states.
Until 1896 another student of Wundt Lightner Witmer he combined the research with the applications and established the first in university of Pennsylvania focused on the problems of the mentally disorder children for both research and therapy. Witmer was the founder of clinical psychology. It was encouraged to other people to involved in it. He viewed the Juvenile delinquently is a problem for the urbanization, new among those to discover the causation like environmental factors.
20 century psychological laboratories were established and research was generated scientific manner and rapid objectives communication were important to development towards the educations of the modern psychology had a great impact on Journals and research. Two noticeable in abnormal was the Journal of Abnormal psychology Clinic by Morton Princes 1906 another one is psychological journal started grow American Psychological Associations published around 38 Journal of scientific focus on the abnormal behavior and also the personality functioning.
The Behavioral Perspectives.
       The psychoanalysis had a dominate about abnormal disorder in the end of 19 century and early 20 century another school called Behaviorism, it came out of experiment psychology to have a challenges they had to focus on the subjective experience thought of free associations and dream analysis it did not have the observations to verifying  the investigators only those who have the observable and control it so to control scientific behavior. It central theme of learning the human behavior was to develop the laboratory not through the clinical part ices with individuals disturbance, so it treating the maladapative behavior soon become evidence.
Classical condition:
It was based on the behavior views of the abnormal which have the treatment and have the experimental types of learning, so learning was neutral stimulus repeatedly paired with the unaware behavior ,after the paired the constant stimulus will turn to conditional stimulus with elicits of the conditional response, it was  founded by Ivan Pavlov a Russian psychologist in the 20 century. He done the experiment on dogs were salivate for the bell sound which was reinforced. Watson studies overt behavior rather then the theoretical mentalist construction which he called Behavior.
Waston was a man of full brilliant ans was quick to fellow the scientist. He was able to train the child, what ever adults he want. He challenges the psychoanalysts based on the abnormal behavior.
1930 he had a impact on the American psychology. Impact was based on the environmental both normal and abnormal. Psychologist accepted the Waston basic idea.
Operant conditioning.    
        The theorist like E.L.Thorndick and B.F.Skinner were had a idea were the behavior will be repeated on occasions. So if they get reward for what they do again and again it is called Operant condition experiment done on cat it as to pull the chain to get the food which is outside the box. were food is the reinforcement for cat. So the B.F.Skinner says behavior shaped when the reinforce which makes them to shape an animals behavior, so it is possible to shape an animals.
 We have seen about Abnormal psychology in 19 and 20 century about their causes and evolution of the field as it grows they have given their views to shape their theory, It as behavior of causation, supernatural believes were left behavior so we are in the more complex to determine the natural factor. It might be biological, psychological and socio-structural.                            

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