Thursday, 27 June 2013

1114388 S.Tarikaa


Abnormal behavior in ancient times was attributed to demon or angelic possessions. claiming that the individual who was showing abnormal behavior was not himself but had some other entity housed in his/her body. The form of possessions that is whether the spirit is good or evil would have depended on the affected individuals symptoms. but generally any sort of abnormal behavior was considered to be the work of an evil spirit or a very angry god or seen as a form of punishment for the individual’s sins. This sort of belief was not restricted to any one culture but was seen in many cultures such as the Chinese, Egyptians, Hebrews, and Greeks.

Since the behavior was attributed to the supernatural even the cures employed were of the supernatural or magical kind. People used many different methods to help individuals to remove the “entities'' that were plaguing them. The most commonly used method to help get rid of a possession of any kind was exorcism like in the exorcism of Emily rose. Exorcism is a very ancient practice in which the demon or any entity that is possessing the body is told to move out of the possessed body in the name of a higher power usually god. It is also removed by using complex rituals .exorcism where practiced by many religions like Christianity, Hinduism Islam and many other religions and religious sects around the world(Butcher ,2007).

It is considered or more accurately was considered to be the best method of removing a demon form an individual’s body clearing the individual of possession.
Another method frequently seen was the process of drilling a hole into the possessed persons head so that the demon in him/her can leave the individual. This was done in the hope that the person could return to normal once the demon was let out. This process was called trepanation someone like the tribes or communities witch doctor or herbalist would make a hole in the skull of the patient suffering from mental disorder. The individual would not survive this procedure but the justification was that at least the person did not die with a demon was residing in their body. Even if the individual would have survived it would have been very unlikely that they would have led a normal life (Butcher, 2007). As the damage causes to their brain would have left them physically and mentally impaired.

These types of practices started to change during the Greeks rule. Before people with mental disorders were outcaste in Greek society as like the rest of the world even in Greece mental illness was seen as divine punishment. And seen as proof that the individual was guilty of some sort of sin both of the minor and major variety (Tasman, 1992). During this time temple priest prayed for the individuals asking god to cure him/her. Hoping that their prayers would remove the taint of evil from the affected individual (Millon, 2004).
This changed to an extent when scientific thought was being encouraged during the height of Greek rule. The major turning point was the Greek temples of healing that brought about a revolution in the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders. One of the most influential Greek thinkers who changed how mental illness was perceived was Hippocrates.

Hippocrates is most often regarded as the father of medicine. He revolutionized how mental illness was looked at as he completely disregarded the theory that mental disorders or illness was caused due to supernatural intervention. And that mental disorders were like other disorders and that they were caused by natural causes and not supernatural causes.

Despite have practices such as incantations, rituals and magic to treat mental illness or unknown diseases. In terms of advancement the Egyptians were the most advanced and the most forward thinking with regard to the treatment of mental illness. The Egyptians practiced various methods of therapy we employ today in the treatment of mental illness such as dance therapy and music therapy. They used these therapies to bring about a sense of normality in the affected individuals life and help reduce the severity of the individual’s symptoms.
The Egyptians were medically advanced; they possessed more knowledge about the human body than anyone else during that age. They were said to be performing surgeries as will which indicates that they had a firm understanding of the human anatomy. They were most likely the first people to physically examine the human brain and see its structure.

In the roman era the roman physician used a wide range of therapy measures .Such as maintaining a healthy diet, giving massages so that the patients could relax, hydrotherapy to shock them out of their illness, gymnastics, and education to improve their concentration and bring them to reality, as well as some less desirable practices such as bleeding, purging, and mechanical restraints. The overall objectives of the roman physician were to make their patients comfortable.

During the roman era a Greek physician residing in Rome Galen made advances in understanding the human body. He didn't discover many new treatments or improve the understanding of the human anatomy but expanded the understanding of Hippocrates work. The largest contribution of Galen was that he incorporated anatomical knowledge he also emphasized knowing through observation and experimentation. This concept would be lost until the mid 16th century. Galen also introduced the concept of the four essential fluids of the human body that is blood, phlegm, bile, and black bile according to this concept the combinations of the four essential fluids in different proportions is the reason  that individuals have  unique personalities.

It took people a very long time to realize that mental disorders were caused by natural cause and not due to any sort of supernatural intervention. After years more like centuries of subjecting mentally ill individuals to alternative harmful and all together ineffective treatments. People that are the doctors and physicians started employing treatments that actually had a positive impact on the individual’s mental state. Even after understanding the nature of mental illness and disorders the mental health field went through some harmful therapies to treat the illness such as shock therapy.
Nowadays mental illness and mental disorders are better understood, classified, diagnosed and treated.
          source: abnormal psychology 13 edition,  by Carson, Butcher, Mineka & Hooley    
                      Abnormal Psychology Over Time. London: Pearson Highered.
                      Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life. In J. N. Hooley.                                                                                   


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